Monday, June 13, 2011


A year ago I didn't know what the future held.  I was terrified of life, of seeing people I knew, of having to tell people what happened, of questions I didn't have an answer to.  Looking back, I don't know where the strength to do it came from.  My life isn't perfect now.  It's still a mess, every single day.  I don't know what life holds and I don't really know where I'm headed.  Some days are still a struggle.  But life is better, and that's the feeling I'm going to follow

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Good for you!! I don't know much about your situation, but I really look up to you and think your an awesome person. Keep pressing on and someday you'll look back and be grateful for, sometimes especially for, even the tough roads you had to take to get where you are going. :)